Brand & Packaging Design

No Whey Chocolate Rebrand

Project overview

No Whey is an existing chocolate brand that focuses on making allergy friendly, vegan, and gluten free chocolates.

In the rebrand, I wanted to emphasize what is in their food instead of what’s not. Many allergy-friendly companies have very kid-centric branding, and I wanted to design this brand as something that would appeal to adults and the vegan demographic.


Company / client: MassArt

Role: Designer

Team: Professor and classmates

Time period: 2020




  • Shift the primary demographic to adults, with children as a secondary demographic

  • Appeal to vegan customers with familiar brand language


  • Explored a few different directions via sketches and mockups

  • After rounds of critique, chose the direction that felt most mature

  • Refined the typography and illustrations of the brand to feel refined and minimal but colorful

  • Customized packaging for different flavors and sizes (bars vs boxes)


Balancing the appeal to adults without completely losing the appeal to children was the most challenging part. Creating illustrations that looked both clean and handmade was another challenge.


The final branding uses simple patterns and clean typography to appeal to adults, and utilizes bright colors to appeal to both adults and children. It would successfully feel at home in the vegan section of the grocery store.